Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bad Bad T, no donuts for you

When Santa Uncle visited us this Christmas, T did not get any gifts. Rather, he got a rap on his knuckles. For he was being an ass.

A month of procrastination, sprinkled with many fervent reminders, riddled with false promises of completion. Sigh. Will the young boy ever learn?

I even helped him come up with a post! Imagine. The jackass even had the content. All he had to do was to wake up before 10am one of these beautiful days and pen the post. But nooo, that was too much for him. Sigh. Will the young one ever learn?

The post was a humourous one. One that was sure to make you laugh. It was centered around wood. Isn't that funny already? And it had various characters involved. A scientist and an author to start with. It reminds me of the all-time rib-tickler of a joke, dubbed the 'Tree joke'. This is it:
Me: Ask me whether I am a tree
You: Are you a tree?
Me: No.

I know that was funny. But the latest story is definitely as, if not, much funnier. So stay put and stay tuned and hope to God (and anyone else), that T gets off the excessives of his posterior and puts finger to keyboard. Sigh. Will the young kid ever learn?

Hoping against hope,