Sunday, March 18, 2007

300, more or less

Today, H & I learnt how the Spartans held their own at Thermopylae. It wasn’t owing to great graphics, by the way, or owing to the great nudity scenes (as H tells me) that are present in the movie adaptation of the actual event. It is, as my own analysis would tell you, owing to sheer incompetence on the part of the forces of the Persians.

Firstly, they didn’t have a great process manager. Everyone wanted to get to the front line as quickly as possible. This caused a great pressure build up in the stomachs of the Persians that ended up with pushing those very same stomachs onto the tips of the Greeks spears. To the right, is an example of an over-anxious Persian trying to die.

Secondly, was the absolutely great strategy of the Greeks. They, like the Pakistani cricket team, told everyone that their best players were going to be on the bench. That meant that the whole world thought that they had only 300 Spartans playing the field on the fateful day. In actuality, hidden behind these Spartans were, atleaset another, 5000 Athenians, Thebans (if they are Greeks) and others of the Mediterranean version. This brought down the odds from a fantastic 1000 to 1 to a rather mundane 150 to 1. Hmpf. Cheats.

Lastly, was the rather interesting implementation technique of the Spartans. Hold spear in front of you. Hold shield with defensive hand. Block with shield. Jump. Strike with spear. Repeat process. Note an over aggressive and happy Leonidas skewering Persians like sows at a buffet over to your right.

Ah yes, in maintaining the sanctity of this blog, allow me to comment on H’s post and other random happenings in the world. Oh yeah, La Vita Bella. Strange, with all of H’s wishes to be Italian and all that, I’m actually the person who met Italians for real and talked in Italian. Ino a veryo realo fashiono. Theo languageo is quite easyo. Not very hard to be a good actor once you start waving your hands above your head.

For the rest of H’s ramblings, I’ll let you figure it out yourself. Sunday, the 11th of March. We’re having a nice time with Strong. Britney’s on the TV and before that, we got a good dose of Rachel’s ruminations. No idea how 300 came about.

Cheers, (for real)

Addendum: This post was written really long, back. A week ago to be honest, but wasn’t uploaded, owing to T’s camera not being connected to the comp to upload the requisite pics. Oh well...

By the way, we saw the movie on Friday. Absolutely fantastic, albeit a little over the top. A must see, folks. Enjoy. I was absolutely right about the strategies, incidentally.



seanachai said...

I wonder if you have seen this....

TenG said...

No, mathew, havent seen it. Will do so ASAP. Thanks for commenting, btw. And do come back. You are a valuable individual contributing to the GDP of the world, at large. Imagine the cosmic significance.

The Darkling Thrush said...

did the greeks really grin like that when the were poking persian tummies?


did the persians land on spartan pokies (sic.) once they saw spartan goofy grins?

(kids these days.)