Wednesday, March 7, 2007

And then there was one

There are a lot of things not right with this world. Too many things in fact. The poverty of Africa, the war in Iraq, global warming, rising cauliflower prices, George Bush, etc. However, it makes no sense for one to crib or complain for along with all these nefarious evils of this world are the many blessings that go uncounted. Like the rain. And the sea. And football. What is this life so full of care, if indeed we have no time to stand and stare. And appreciate.

Which brings us to the subject of this post. The fact of the matter. The essence of this essay. The fructose in the honey. The $e$ in the $e^{-i\pi} + 1 = 0$. A reason for one and all to be truly happy. To appreciate life in its grandest splendor. Something to be thankful for. Something to be grateful for.

Ladies and gentlemen, the blog that is the Heads and Tails.

Heads and Tails? Why heads and tails? What heads and tails? Whose head and whose tail? Valid questions, valid questions. Further, I would also like to add a clarification whether heads and tails refer to the noun forms or the verb forms. Now… that is an insightful question. No offense meant to the remaining set of questions. They should feel no inferiority complexity. They have no right to feel discriminated. They are in their own respects, insightful questions. Valid and insightful. And valid and insightful questions require valid and insightful answers.

That’s my value add, nay, value change for the day. The very first day. The day that thresholds as the dawn of a new era. An era that shall not be constrained by lack of creativity or talent which has been the case ever since Maugham left us for a better place. Switzerland. For we have arrived. Here. Now. Stop.

Over to my better side.


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